News Article

Witnesses sought after serious assault, Plymouth

Detectives are appealing for information and footage following a serious assault on a man in Plymouth.

The victim was attacked with a wrench inside a car on Beaumont Road around 1.45pm on Wednesday 26 March.

He sustained facial and head injuries and got out of the blue Mini Cooper by the Co-op store.

The suspect vehicle was located by police on the A38 in Plymouth a short time later.

Two men in their 20s from Saltash and a woman in her 20s of no fixed abode in Cornwall were arrested on suspicion of Section 18 grievous bodily harm with intent.

The woman was further arrested on suspicion of driving a motor vehicle with a proportion of a specified controlled drug above the specified limit.

All three have been released on bail pending further enquiries.

It is believed that all parties are known to each other.

Detectives investigating the assault are appealing for any witnesses in the area of Beaumont Road to contact them.

They are keen to hear from anyone who may have captured the incident on CCTV, doorbell or dashcam footage.

Please contact police online or by telephone on 101, quoting crime reference 50250075301.

Witness Appeal

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