News Article

Prison for driver who killed cyclist while inhaling laughing gas

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A driver who killed a cyclist in Exeter after missing a red light as he inhaled laughing gas behind the wheel of his BMW has been jailed. 

Harry Lock’s car hit and fatally injured mother-of-three Maria Perez-Gonzalez while she was crossing the road in Western Way.

Lock, aged 24, of Shortwood Crescent, Plymouth, admitted causing death by dangerous driving and appeared before Exeter Crown Court today [Friday 14 June].

He was sentenced to three years and four months in prison. Lock will be disqualified from driving for two years on his release.  

Lock had left an Exeter pub on the evening of 7 August 2021 and was heading home to Plymouth alongside a front-seat passenger at the time of the collision.

The court heard that he briefly stopped his BMW 4 Series to retrieve cannisters of nitrous oxide from the boot.

He was inhaling the gas as he drove through a red light and hit Miss Perez-Gonzalez while she crossed Western Way on her bicycle, the judge was told.

Lock had ignored requests from his passenger to stop consuming the substance. 

Fifty-three-year-old Miss Perez-Gonzalez, a healthcare assistant from Exeter, died in hospital from her injuries two days later.

Lock initially told police under interview the traffic light had been green – but investigators proved otherwise through tiny details spotted in CCTV uncovered months after the incident.

While the scene was obscured by foliage in footage, officer in the case Detective Constable John Greathead noticed subtle pixel changes which were in fact the crossing lights.

Officers were then able to determine sequence timing that showed Miss Perez-Gonzalez had been correctly traversing Western Way from Barnfield Road to a green crossing light.

The traffic light Lock missed had been red for nearly seven seconds.

Miss Perez-Gonzalez’s family have supported the release of distressing footage of the incident in the hope it will warn other motorists of the tragic consequences of dangerous driving.

Sergeant Troy Bennett, of Devon & Cornwall Police’s Serious Collisions Investigation Team, said: “Harry Lock’s dangerous actions on the evening of 7 August 2021, where he drove while using nitrous oxide and contravened a red traffic light, had catastrophic and fatal consequences.

“Those tragic consequences are felt by the family of Maria Perez-Gonzalez to this day as they continue to mourn her loss.

“As Lock starts his sentence, he can reflect on his poor choices that evening.

“Driving while impaired is one of the ‘fatal five’ most dangerous driving behaviours that often contribute to fatal or serious road traffic collisions.

“I urge all those who get behind the wheel to ensure they never drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs and that they drive carefully.”

“I would also like to pay tribute to the hard work of officers from the Serious Collisions Investigation Team, especially DC Greathead who has investigated this case for almost three years. He diligently built the case against Lock over many months, and also provided ongoing support and updates to the family of Maria who live across the UK and in America.”

Miss Perez-Gonzalez’s three sons have paid tribute to her. They said in a statement: “Maria Perez-Gonzalez was a loving, caring mum to Edgar, Chris and Jorge who desperately miss her.

“She was an incredible person who accomplished amazing things in life, who was going to achieve so much more. A year away from reuniting with her oldest son, Edgar, after 20 years. She was a remarkable woman that helped whoever surrounded her.

“She had been through difficult times but always stayed positive, even in the face of the extreme adversity, testament to her strength and courage. She was a health care assistant at the RD&E, just about to embark on university nursing course before she was so cruelly taken.”

Alison Hernandez, Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, is chair of the Vision Zero South West road safety partnership.

Commissioner Hernandez said: “My heart goes out to the family and friends of Miss Perez-Gonzalez. Her death was completely avoidable and I welcome the sentence passed down to Harry Lock today.

“This tragic case should give a clear warning to anyone who think it’s OK to drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It is hugely irresponsible and the consequences can be catastrophic.

“Not only will this offender be spending time behind bars, but he will forever have to live with the fact that his selfish actions have left a family without their mother.”

  • If you have been affected by crime, please visit to access support services and information on your rights and how to navigate the criminal justice system. You can also call Victim Support on 08 08 16 89 111 or Devon and Cornwall Police’s Victim Care Unit on 01392 475900.