News Article

Police in South Devon Continue to Tackle Drug Dealing and Keep Communities Safe

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Police in South Devon are continuing to disrupt drug dealing in the area and have made several important arrests during the recent weeks and months.

A substantial amount of Class A drugs has been seized including heroin and crack cocaine and officers are targeting known offenders who cause problems for local communities.  

Local police have also been making regular safeguarding visits to vulnerable people who may be exploited by others. Neighbourhood Policing Teams link in with CID and the Proactive Policing Team to disrupt criminal networks, in their ongoing efforts to put the criminals behind bars.

Detective Chief Inspector Dave Pebworth, who works in South Devon Local Policing Area, said: “We have had some important drug seizures and made several arrests recently and we continue to tackle offences in Torbay and South Devon. We aim to disrupt criminal activity as much as possible and would like to thank the local communities for their help in rooting out the drug dealers in their towns. The information they have passed to us is vital in helping officers make arrests and protecting vulnerable people.”

Police in South Devon want to remind people that the area is #NoPlaceForDrugs.

Over the last three years just one police team in South Devon has achieved these results:

  • Around £2.2 million worth of drugs seized, mostly Class A
  • More than £650k of cash and assets seized from criminals
  • 254 suspects arrested
  • 139 weapons seized
  • 495 Safeguarding visits made
  • Many offenders brought to justice leading to sentences totalling 137 years 


If you wish to report criminal activity to Devon & Cornwall Police please visit the ‘Tell Us About’ button on the force website

You can also use the website to check information about your local Neighbourhood Teams or follow them on social media such as ‘Paignton Police’ and ‘Torquay Police’ on Facebook.

If you have information about drug dealing or other crime in your area and wish to remain anonymous you can contact Independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 or go online Independent UK charity taking crime information anonymously | Crimestoppers (

A 40 year old Paignton man was arrested on October 3 in relation to drugs offences and charged the following day with four counts of Possession With Intent To Supply Class A drugs. Charlie Howe, of Sands Road, Paignton, was remanded in custody by magistrates and is due to appear at Exeter Crown Court on November 2nd.

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